Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Week of Free Medical Care

Last week a colleague and I traveled to southwest Nigeria to team up with an organization called FamilyCare, which provides free medical care to rural villages.  Working with local governments, hospitals, and churches FamilyCare sets up mobile hospitals that offers the locals free surgeries, drugs, dental work, eyeglasses, and more.   

Our role during the week was to help with the logistics of the outreach and evangelism to the large crowds waiting to get treated.  With the days starting around 5 in the morning and not finishing sometimes until 10 at night, its safe to say we were quite exhausted.  Halfway through the week I opened up my bible to Proverbs 20:13 which says, "Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare." this humorously kept us going on some of the longer days.  

All-in-all we had an amazing time seeing God work through this ministry.  Below are some pictures from our adventures:  

This is one of the film shows we did early in the morning before the doctors started seeing patients.

This is the line to see the general doctor

One of the evening we setup our film show at an open field in the center of the town

During the week Matt and I had the privilege of passing out the medical cards (the tickets for seeing the doctor). This was not as easy as it sounds as you can tell by this picture taken at 5:30am (can you find us?).  At one point I had to managed to break free from the crowd, run about a quarter of a mile, and climb a water tower in order to pass out the cards with out getting mobbed.

One of the volunteer doctors checking the BP of a patient.

This is Noel, a volunteer businessman, praying with a young man who was interested in receiving Christ.

This photo is from one of the film shows we did at the local schools.

The entire volunteer team

On Friday we got to due a little site seeing of the local lagoon villages via boat

This is Matt and I in Lagos, Nigeria.  We got to see the ocean on our way home for the first time since being in Nigeria.  

1 comment:

  1. Dude, looks like you're making some big investments. Can you believe we get to be a part of God's amazing works? He is pretty cool...

