God used a stolen Ipod to change someone's destiny forever. Let me explain...
Two weeks ago was my first time to spend the night with the kids at our orphanage in Gyero (20 mins outside of Jos). Right before going to bed I realized my Ipod had gone missing. After looking for it a great deal of time, we concluded that it was stolen. With no way to search 60 kids at 10 o'clock at night, and thinking the culprit would sell it first thing the next day at the market, I was content on being Ipodless.
So, you can image how surprised I was to got a call from one of the house parents the following day informing me they found the Ipod on one of the kids. Unfortunately, the kid who took it was Simon, one the boys I went hiking with the previous day.
Simon is a 12 year old boy who I'd formed a quick bond with in the small amount of time we'd gotten to spend together. He was brought to the orphanage after both of his parents were killed in June of last year and his uncle didn't have the resources to take care of him.
After talking with his house parent I knew he'd be apologizing the next time we met. Knowing that he'd already receive punishment, I really sought out what I'd say to him at this time. I felt that God was telling me that above all, just tell him that He loves him no matter what.
The following week I went back out to Gyero to spend the night. During worship that evening Simon came up to me and said he like to talk with me. After everyone left, I pulled a chair up beside him and ask what did he want to talk to me about. Too ashamed to look at me, he stared at the floor and said he was sorry for taking my Ipod. I told him that I'd already forgiven him and that no matter what, I'd always love him but more importantly God loves him and there was nothing he's done or will do to escape that love. Informing him of that brought about a sigh of relief on his face. It continues to amaze me how His ways are not my own--but always so much better!
After talking for about 10 to 15 minutes, I asked Simon if he'd ever accepted Christ into his life and if he knew what that meant. He informed me that he'd thought about it a few months ago, but never did. I briefly explained to him once again what it meant to accept the free gift of eternal salvation given to everyone, and told him that I'd love to pray with him if he ever wanted to give his life to Christ. To my surprise, he was ready then and there! So that night, I had the amazing opportunity to pray with Simon as he admitted that his sins separated him from God, he believed that Christ died in his place to pay for those sins, and he invited Christ to come into his life.