Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Nigeria vs. Kenya

Last month a group of us here is Jos made the 4 hour drive to Abuja to watch Nigeria take on Kenya to qualify for the 2010 World Cup.  Having never been to a professional soccer/football match my expectations were formed from the wild highlights I'd seen on TV.  So, not wanting to look like a first time spectator I went all out by wearing a Nigerian jersey, waving a Nigeria flag, and painted my face green and white (colors of the Nigerian flag) with homemade face paint. 

In a stadium designed for 60,000 people, they managed to squeeze 70,000 in to the game by not leaving a stair or aisle unoccupied.   As no good sport match is without, a small fight in the stands broke out a few rows in front of use.  Spectator activity such as this and chanting helped to keep my attention in between goals. 

Nigeria ended up walking away with a 3-0 victory and a spot in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.  Although a little more mundane than American football, I have to admit I'm really starting to enjoy the "real" football.   

Monday, July 13, 2009

Ruth & Sarah

I’ve hesitated wether or not to publicly write about the story of two sisters who have recently entered our ministry.  However, after much consideration I have realized that this blog wouldn't accurately depicted my time here if I didn't share at least some of the heartbreaking struggles we are confronted with.  Here is a prayer email I sent out last week: 
Family and Friends,

Our orphanage just rescued two sisters who are in desperate need of prayer.  Ruth (6) and Sarah (11) were lured into joining a secret witchcraft society.   To enter this evil colt they had to sacrifice something of value to them.  Brainwashed by the members, they gave permission for their mom to be murdered.  This happened last week.  The funeral took place Saturday.   

Learning what had happened, their Uncle brought them to us immediately following the funeral services.  Although finances have limited the amount of new kids we can take, we accepted these girls due to the urgency and nature of their situation.  After an all day prayer session with the girls Sunday they gave their life to Christ...Hallelujah!  

I met the girls for the first time yesterday.  Although you couldn't tell by their demeanor what the past 5 days had brought, they are in desperate need of people interceding on their behalf.  Here are some things you pray for: 
Protection particularly between midnight and 3 AM (6 PM to 9 PM your time).  Due to the nature of what they were involved in they are under heavy spiritual attack during the night. 
Forgiveness.  As the reality of what has taken place sinks in chances are the enemy will try and use guilt to  lure them away from their freedom in Christ.   Please pray that they grasp the concept that there sin has been paid for in full and they are blameless in the eyes of God. 
Aunty Altine.  She will be their new mother at the orphanage.  Please pray for her and the other girls living in her house.

Thanks in advance for your prayers.


Although the story of Ruth & Sarah is extremely tragic, I pray it doesn't discourage you, but rather encourage, as you see that there is a real need in this world for individuals like you and I to be a voice for the voiceless.

Ruth & Sarah